This is one of my favorite cd finds because it includes so much fun music. One of the best things about Chick Bullock's music is that he recorded with so many different people, so that if you're someone who enjoys following the tangents whether or not they are relevant, the paths often lead to all sorts of discoveries (such as learning that the Waring Blender was developed by Fred). I can't recall this particular path, but I think it was a result of Glorianna and not the Bullock vocals. Poley McClintock's vocals are unmistakable, and he's been credited as one of the inspirations for the voice of Popeye.This collection includes sides recorded between March 1928 and November 1932, while Waring's Pennsylvanians were at their hottest. I wish they had included Any Ice Today, Lady? but the exclusion just means I have to find it elsewhere. Fred Waring himself is also heard on several vocals, showing that he could hold his own. I also have a cd included in the Waring biography by his daughter, which I'll post in the future. Look below the track listings for the personnel. Enjoy. +
1. Farewell Blues (a) (v. Fred Waring & the band)
2. Bolshevik (a) (v. Poley McClintock & the band)
3. Hello Montreal! (a) (v. Fred Waring & the band)
4. Stack O'Lee Blues (b)
5. What A Night For Spooning (c) (v. Clare Hanlon)
6. Glorianna (c) (v. Clare Hanlon)
7. Navy Blues (d) (v. Clare Hanlon & quartet including P. McClintock)
8. Hello Baby (d) (v. William Morgan)
9. Good For You, Bad For Me (d) (v. Fred Waring)
10. Red Hot Chicago (d) (v. Fred Waring)
11. How'm I Doin'? (e) (v. Poley McClintock & the band)
12. I Heard (f) (vocal scat by Scat Davis, Frank Zullo & Poley McClintock)
13. Old Yazoo (g) (v. Frank Zullo & the band)
14. Holding My Honey's Hand (g) (v. Chick Bullock & Poley McClintock)
15. The Old Man Of The Mountain (g) (v. Chick Bullock & Poley McClintock)
16. You'll Get By (h)
17. Fit As A Fiddle (h) (v. male quartet)
18. Young And Healthy (h) (v. Tom Waring)
19. Dance Selections (h)
20. Flying Colors (h)
Waring's Pennsylvanians: Fred Waring directing: (a) Nelson Keller, George Culley and an unknown (t); Jim Gaillard and an unknown (tb); Fred Campbell (cl, as, bars, f); Will Morgan (cl, as); Earl Gardner (as); Elton Cockerill (cl, ts); Bill Townsend, Francis Foster, Scott Bates (vn); Tom Waring (p); Paul Mertz (p, arr); Fred Buck (bj, arr); Ed Rabel (bbs); Poley McClintock (d); vocals as indicated. (b) Fourth trumpted added. (c) Both unknown trumpets omitted; Clare Hanlon replaces the unknown trombone; Frank W. Hower (p) replaces Tom Waring. Two pianos used on #5. (d) add Wade Schegel, aka Dake Wade (t), Stuart Churchill (t, as, x) replaces Culley; one violin omitted; Charles Henderson (p) replaces Mertz. (e) Add Johnny "Scat" Davis (t); Gene Conklin (tb) replaces Gardener, strings omitted; Lou Bonnies (g) replaces Buck (bj); arrangements by Leo Vauchant. (f) Frank Zullo (t) replaces Schlegel; add unknown reed. (g) Davis Conklin and unknown fifth sax player omitted, Spencer Clark (bass) replaces Rabel (bbs). (h) Eddie Radel added on string bass. Note: the typos are as in the liner notes (i.e., the spelling of Schegel & Gardner).
Campbell In Montreal -
While I am, of course happy to see any song mentioning my home town, especially in these bad hockey days, I am even more astounded by your encyclopedic knowledge of this music. My background involved working with Kate & Anna McGarrigle for many years. One finds that the oral/folk tradition and tin pan alley aren't that far removed. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. Your work is labour intensive but highly appreciated and educational. You are helping keep things alive and I daresay introducing people to things they never knew existed
Well, I never would have believed that I'd be downloading a Fred Waring album (I just remember the 1950s version of FW and the Pennsylvanians) but your write-up and the tune list sold me. Looking forward to listening. Thank you!
BTW, your commentaries always are interesting and literate and I enjoy reading them even if I don't download the tunes. Thanks again.
Kansas City, MO
David, I was a bit hesitant too at first, but even if there was only one song I liked, it might be worth the $15 at the time. I think that's the first time I've been called literate, especially since I try to keep my commentary to a minimum. LOL. Since I haven't been able to post as often, I thought I would include a little bit more information from the cd booklet.
Campbell, thanks again. Kate & Anna have long been favorites of mine. After Kate passed I had to give Pronto Monto & Dancer With Bruised Knees a few spins. A sad loss, indeed.
Long live the music.
A great thank you from Montreal!
Yo Proudfoot! I saw your note at the Radiola blog.
Yo Drizzz! I have a request to send you a blog invite if you send me your email.
Boppin' Bob - if you do the same, one will be on your way too.
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